Japan is so obsessed with Kentucky Fried Chicken (kfc) on christmas.

Japan is so obsessed with Kentucky Fried Chicken (kfc) on christmas. Some people even order months in advance to avoid lines.
This was a dedicated marketing scheme by KFC in Japan to associate KFC with Christmas. Christmas was never really popularly celebrated until the '90s, and even now it's considered a holiday mostly for couples or families with small children. When people started hearing about Christmas, KFC took advantage of the fact that people associate KFC with America and undertook a massive, multi-year marketing campaign. Clearly, it worked, and KFC has exerted market dominance ever since. In fact, they've even gone as far as introducing a special set for Christmas - Japanese people associate cake with Christmas as well, so KFC came up with a fried chicken bucket that has a cardboard bottom with a Christmas cake underneath.

Some Japanese people might think Americans eat fried chicken on Christmas, but it's mostly just the result of a massive ad campaign by KFC.

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